Kava Capsules for Energy, Focus, and Relaxation*

botanic tonic feel free capsules botanic tonic feel free capsules
botanic tonic feel free capsules
botanic tonic feel free capsules
Choose your tonic:
feel free Classic
  • Energy: High
  • Focus: Higher
  • Social Lift: Eased
  • Plant Ingredients: Kava Root + Other Ancient Plants
feel free
  • Energy: Higher
  • Focus: High
  • Social Lift: Engaged
  • Plant Ingredients: Kava Root + Kola Nut + Lion's Mane + Rhodiola

Our kava capsules are ancient botanic solutions for the modern world. These complete capsules promote mood, focus, and social lift—naturally.* 

We’ve captured all the power of ancient wellness inside each capsule of our herbal supplements. Packed with plant-based ingredients like kava and kola nut, these natural wonders give you a lift without the crash.

botanic tonic feel free capsules

Our Classic Kratom & Kava Capsules

The feel free CLASSIC capsules are our original formula, crafted with noble kava root and kratom leaf to promote relaxation, boost your productivity and focus, and much more.

Opt for this kava kava supplement to slip into an eased social mood without the alcohol (or hangover). These caffeine-free capsules are also a clean way to achieve highly enhanced focus without the jitters of caffeine.*

New & Naturally Caffeinated Capsules

For an even higher boost, try our new feel free formula. These mighty capsules are naturally caffeinated to uplift you and enhance your social mood.

This new formula is brimming with ancient active ingredients like kava root, kola nut, lion’s mane, and rhodiola, all working in harmony to make you feel your best.

feel free capsules are the perfect dietary supplement to enjoy as a clean alternative to alcohol, energy drinks, and focus enhancers. You’ll feel them taking action within just 30–45 minutes of consumption. Discover kava near me to find feel free products in your city.

botanic tonic feel free capsules

New & Naturally Caffeinated Capsules

For an even higher boost, try our new feel free formula. These mighty capsules are naturally caffeinated to uplift you and enhance your social mood.

This new formula is brimming with ancient active ingredients like kava root, kola nut, lion’s mane, and rhodiola, all working in harmony to make you feel your best.

feel free capsules are the perfect dietary supplement to enjoy as a clean alternative to alcohol, energy drinks, and focus enhancers. You’ll feel them taking action within just 30–45 minutes of consumption. Discover kava near me to find feel free products in your city.